We’re here for you

How we help….

Many individuals who are diagnosed with breast cancer have extra financial burdens placed on them during treatment and recovery. Common issues are insurance payments, transportation, childcare, and other essentials of daily life. Shades of Pink Foundation (SOPF) offers temporary financial assistance during their time in need.

As a local Michigan nonprofit, we proudly serve breast cancer patients across Southeast Michigan, which includes Genesee, Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties.


Breast cancer patients who live outside of our service area in Southeast Michigan*, but are undergoing active treatment at a hospital system or facility within one of the nine counties listed below, are eligible to submit an application through a health care provider.
*Genesee, Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties.

To qualify for assistance, you must:

  • be in active treatment for breast cancer*

  • reside in or receive active treatment at a hospital system or facility in one of the following counties: Genesee, Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, and Wayne, and

  • submit an application through your health care provider (social worker, patient advocate/navigator, oncologist, nurse, etc.).

*If the applicant is not in active treatment, they should describe how breast cancer has caused their current financial distress.

Shades of Pink Foundation may provide assistance for household expenses such as but not limited to:

  • Mortgage/Rent; property taxes are eligible if they are current (not delinquent),

  • Utilities (gas, electric, water, phone, internet); cable TV is only eligible if it is already bundled with phone/internet; Netflix, Hulu, gaming subscriptions, etc. are not eligible,

  • Car payments, car repair, auto insurance premiums,

  • Health insurance premiums, including COBRA, and
    Medical expenses such as co-pays, deductibles, prescription costs, and medical bills including bills for doctor visits, diagnostic testing, prosthesis, treatment, recovery or reconstruction are not eligible.

  • Licensed childcare costs

How are applications reviewed?

Applications must be submitted online via the form below. Applications for assistance are sent by health care providers, social workers, and therapists to the Client Services Coordinator who verifies eligibility and removes all identifying information from the application. The application is then submitted to the Client Services Committee. The Committee reviews the application and votes on approval. Once a determination has been made, your social worker will be notified, and your creditors will be paid directly. SOPF does not provide financial reimbursement for bills already paid by the applicant, nor do we pay the applicant directly, therefore it is imperative that all applications are submitted with recent bill statements or invoices. Personal information provided to SOPF, including HIPPA protected medical information, is kept in strict confidence.

SOPF clients must be referred from an appropriate health care provider. If you are interested in our program, you should contact the social worker or medical professional where you are receiving care to assist you with filling out an application. If they have not worked with SOPF before, have them email Client Services at clientservices.sopf@gmail.com so we can provide more information about our application process.

All referrals must come through a health care professional. If you call SOPF directly, you will be referred to a social worker where you are receiving care.

If you are a social worker and would like to recommend a patient for help, please email clientservices.sopf@gmail.com.

Applications must be submitted online via the electronic form by a health care professional only (social worker, patient advocate, oncologist, nurse, etc.).

Please read all instructions below:

  • A printable version of the Financial Support Application is available below for "working" purposes only, so that information can be compiled easily by the patient and referral partner prior to electronic submission. The patient should fill out a hard copy of the application and sign it before sharing the document with their health care provider. The provider should scan and save a hard copy of the patient's application for their records.

  • When the patient meets with their health care provider, the information in the hard copy of the application will then be transferred into the electronic version of the application by the patient’s referral partner. The patient can either sign the electronic version, if present, and/or their health care provider can sign on their behalf.

  • All applications must be submitted electronically by a health care professional using our Online Financial Support Application (available at https://app.goformz.com/s/3DcXjZv6ioSSEOAUF4BA). This printable version is for "working" purposes only.

  • Referral partners are unable to save the online application and resume filling the form out later. Please be sure all information is ready to input electronically when opening the online form.