Who do we serve? Client case studies.

Last week, I introduced myself and described my experience as a Shades of Pink board member and a volunteer member of our Client Services Committee. This time I’ll share two stories that provide insight as to the desperate situation that our clients face and how we help.

Client A was working two jobs as a care giver in nursing homes when breast cancer upended her orderly life. When she couldn’t work while she was in treatment, her paychecks stopped, and her carefully accumulated savings quickly dwindled. Our grant gave her breathing room by paying her mortgage and utilities for one month. 

Client B, a mother of four, was diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant. Her baby had to be delivered early so that she could begin treatment, during which she could not work. This two-income family lost half their income overnight, and at the same time medical co-pays and extra child care costs began to mount. Shades of Pink gave relief to this family by paying rent, utilities, a car payment and insurance premium, so the mother could focus on healing instead of the stress of unpaid bills.

There are hundreds of similar stories of people we have helped over the past 17 years because of your support. When breast cancer happens, lives can turn upside down. Shades of Pink’s mission is to offer a temporary bridge through these intensely difficult times. Our clients are referred to us by hospital social workers and nurse navigators. Our application process is simple and once we receive a completed application, we move promptly to evaluate it and make a decision. We pay clients’ creditors directly, taking the worry and stress off their shoulders so they can concentrate on getting well. It is the most practical kind of help, at a time when it is needed.

Thank you for being part of the solution. For information on how to apply, go to www.shadesofpinkfoundation.org

Toni Grinnan


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Meet the SOPF Board Member - Toni Grinnan