Navigating the holiday season while living with cancer
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is sharing important resources for those navigating the holiday season while living with cancer.
The holiday season can be a particularly challenging time while living with cancer. Despite the joys of spending more time with family and loved ones, this time may bring anxiety, stress, mental and physical exhaustion, and the difficulty of coping with unwanted comments.
Here are some tips for navigating the holidays:
Try to not overexert yourself. Give yourself grace and permission to decide which gatherings you are able to attend.
Don’t be afraid to communicate your needs and boundaries. It’s okay to say “no.”
Practice self-care. Whether that means enjoying a book with a cup of tea, or taking a walk, take some time to do something you love.
Try to mentally prepare and have a way to cope with unwanted comments.
If you feel like your mental health is struggling during this time, contact your healthcare provider and ask about support and resources.
If you (or someone you know) are undergoing treatment for breast cancer and struggling financially due to your diagnosis, please visit our Assistance webpage to learn about our eligibility criteria, application process and how we can help with everyday living expenses.